Using the Ancient practices + embodied techniques of the Yogic Practice.

I’m gonna show you how to write + facilitate containers that actually leave your community *bonafide* in your Teachings.

ATTN: Coaches, Therapists, Teachers, Mentors. 📣

*Anyone in the biz of helping people fulfil their potential.*

I know so many of you are interested in the somatic + facilitation skillset that comes with being a Yoga Teacher. 

Even if you don’t want to be one in the classic sense

I know so many of you have experienced the incredible somatic + energetic benefits of Yoga.

Even if you don’t know exactly how it works. 

I know so many of you are wondering if you could use the same skills to complement your work. 

Even if you’re unsure what that would look like.

I know so many of you want your clients/ patients / students to walk away from your work, even more embodied in its essence.

Even if your current set up is working really well. 

So, I made something for you. 


Expand is a 4 part mini series, where I’ll be sharing exactly how I use my Teaching + Yogic skillset take my clients from ‘logically understanding’ concepts, to integrating, embodying, and living them. 

I want to share my decade of experience in Somatics, Energetics, and Facilitation, so that your clients walk away even more embodied in your Teachings, and you feel even more skilled in how you facilitate it. 

I want to show you how this transferrable ancient science can support you as a service provider, and a resource you as an embodied leader. 

The 4 part series will cover:

  • The ancient principle I use to design my Programmes + Trainings, that prioritises my students ability to integrate + embody the key Teachings by the time they leave.

  • How I incorporate simple somatic + energetic practices *into* my programmes, supporting my clients ability to be mentally + emotionally available for our sessions, and grow their awareness of how to support themselves outside of them.

  • How I incorporate Trauma aware practice into my Trainings, without being an all out ‘trauma informed’ Teacher or space. (because yes, it’s possible + allowed)

  • A surprise topic 😘

    The series will be delivered via email, audio, and have an opportunity to join a special class + Q&A with me on September 8th, 8pm Sydney time.

    Where i’ll be guiding you through some simply, highly effective practices, and answering any of your questions about the series.

Let’s complement new age approaches, with a contemporary science of over 5000 years old. 

Let’s support Mindset + Psychology techniques, with timeless somatic practices. 

Let’s expand our facilitation tool kit, with rich embodiment techniques. 

Because every embodied leader, and exquisite service provider, should have these revolutionary tools in their kit. 

Expand is completely free, no strings attached. 

All you gotta do is sign up.

Part one drops September 1st.